Sewer drain pipes are an important part of your home or business’s water system. It’s important to keep them functioning as there can be some uncomfortable, even harmful consequences. For instance, when sewage backs up, it can create health risks due to contamination from mold and bacteria. For reasons like this, it’s important to avoid neglecting your sewer. When things go wrong, don’t wait; give Amor Plumbing a call to schedule an appointment today! Our well-trained, clean professionals will handle the problem quickly, leaving behind a new or improved sewer system with our thorough and effective sewer main repairs, replacement, and maintenance services
Providing quality residential & commercial plumbing & water heating services.
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CA License 972156

Looking for quality maintenance services for your home’s plumbing system? Need water heater preventative maintenance or a tankless descale?
Amor Plumbing provides regular plumbing and water heater maintenance services to keep your home's plumbing running smoothly all year round.
Call us today to schedule preventive maintenance service today!
Keep Your Plumbing In Top Working Order
Basic plumbing preventative maintenance can help you avoid serious problems. After all, the longer you ignore little leaks, drips, and clogs, the worse they’ll get. That’s why Amor Plumbing recommends regular preventative maintenance— it will help identify and fix problems before they get out of control and become a serious problem. Keeping your plumbing up to date is a big part of preserving your household’s daily routine, so don’t hesitate to call Amor Plumbing if you are in need of a preventive maintenance service call
Water Heater Maintenance & Checkup
Hot water heaters are one of the most relied upon appliance in a home or business enjoying the benefits of hot water any time you need it. However, when a water heater fails, it can become a hug inconvenience and put daily life on hold! Maintaining a regular check up on your hot water heater will help extend the life of your water heater, and is also highly recommended by your water heaters manufacturer limited warranty coverage.
When you need a water heater repair, or maintenance service, you can count on Amor Plumbing to get the job done right
Drain Line Maintenance
You home or business drain pipes is an important component in the plumbing system. Without proper drainage a clogged toilet, shower or mainline could impact your daily routine. Regular drain maintenance can prevent most problems before they occur.
Amor Plumbing can provide the drain cleaning maintenance service for your home's drain pipes in top condition!
Need plumbing preventive maintenance service?