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Sewer drain pipes are an important part of your home or business’s water system. It’s important to keep them functioning as there can be some uncomfortable, even harmful consequences. For instance, when sewage backs up, it can create health risks due to contamination from mold and bacteria. For reasons like this, it’s important to avoid neglecting your sewer. When things go wrong, don’t wait; give Amor Plumbing a call to schedule an appointment today! Our well-trained, clean professionals will handle the problem quickly, leaving behind a new or improved sewer system with our thorough and effective sewer main repairs, replacement, and maintenance services
Providing quality residential & commercial plumbing & water heating services.
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CA License 972156

Amor Plumbing is the trusted name in plumbing for Fremont, San Jose and the surrounding cities. Our experienced and highly trained plumbers will work hard to solve your every plumbing problem.

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